Foodbank Re-opening for Clients to collect Parcels – Tuesday 9 August 2022
13th July 2022
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The Abergavenny Foodbank will be welcoming back people who have been referred for food parcels, to have a cup of tea and collect their food parcel, from Tuesday 9th August 2022. As it was before covid, the foodbank at the Abergavenny Baptist Church will be open on Tuesdays from 13.00-15.30 hrs and Fridays from 10.00-12.30hrs.
When we have contact numbers in advance, we will ring people to arrange an appointment time. We have been getting busier, so that will help to spread when people come in more evenly across the session. As covid has not gone away, we want to do all we can to reduce the need for people to be too close together and keep everyone as safe as possible.